Python in Astronomy
20-24 April 2015, Lorentz Center, Leiden
The first Python in Astronomy workshop was held from 20-24th April 2015 and aimed to bring together researchers, Python developers, users, and educators. It included presentations, tutorials, unconference sessions, and coding sprints.
In addition to sharing information about state-of-the art Python Astronomy packages, the workshop focused on improving interoperability between astronomical Python packages, provided training for new open-source contributors, and we discussed developing a common set of educational materials for Python in Astronomy. The meeting was therefore not only aimed at current developers, but also users and educators who were interested in being involved in these efforts.
There are several resources that you can use to find out more about the workshop:
- The 'Unproceedings' document: a document describing the discussions and progress made during unconference sessions. This is published on Zenodo and can be cited using the DOI
- The YouTube Python in Astronomy channel: videos for most talks from the workshop.
- The Talk slides: these are also archived on Zenodo and can be cited using the DOI
- Useful links shared during the workshop
- Blog posts by Pauline Barmby (Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Summary) and Antonio Martin-Carrillo (Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- Photos from Peter Teuben, Tom Robitaille, and Vanessa Moss
- Twitter archive for the workshop hashtag: #pyastro15
During the workshop, we required participants to follow the code of conduct for the workshop which can be found here, and we also abode by the Python Community Code of Conduct. If you have any questions about the workshop, you can reach the SOC at
The workshop was hosted by the Lorentz Center, which is an international center that coordinates and hosts workshops in the sciences, based on the philosophy that science thrives on interaction between creative researchers (you can find the official Lorentz Center workshop page here).
This workshop was kindly sponsored by: